Tribunal's New Competency
As of February 1, 2016, the Tribunal of the Diocese of Bridgeport was given faculties for granting dispensations and to process marriage files that need to be sent to other dioceses. Current dispensation forms are still valid. In case of emergency, if you cannot reach Rev. Arthur Mollenhauer, Judicial Vicar, please contact Msgr. Thomas W. Powers, Vicar General, for required dispensations. As always, please plan well in advance and submit your dispensation requests early. Thank you.
Instructions for using our forms:
Option 1: Please download the PDF file, print it, and fill out by hand, initial and sign. Option 2: Please download the PDF file, fill out on screen using build in fields, then print out, initial and sign. To download the latest and free Adobe Reader software (to open PDF files), please click on the icon to the left. |
Downloadable Forms:
Petition for Marriage Nullity Due to LACK of CANONICAL FORM : Marriage DISPENSATIONS FORM:
Annulment Process APPLICATION Form:
Annulment Process RESPONDENT Questionnaire Form:
Annulment Process APPLICATION Form (Spanish):
Annulment Process WITNESS Questionnaire Form:
Annulment Process WITNESS Questionnaire Form (Spanish):